1. The First Independent Brigade is a "War Between The States" Living History organization dedicated to the preservation of our Southern Heritage.
2. The Brigade will accept all Confederate impressions. Union impressions will be at the discretion of the individual.
3. Any specialty impressions, however, must be approved by the Brigade staff.
4. The dues for membership in the First Independent Brigade will be $12.00 per year. New member dues will be prorated based on a 12 month year. Family membership will be $15.00 per year with one family member per vote. Dues will be payable on or before the first of January of each year.
5. A dues paying member shall be sixteen years or older. An exception shall be if the dues payer is under sixteen and the only member of his family to join the Brigade.
6. No member who is not current with his Brigade dues will be allowed to vote in any election.
7. All non-Brigade members seeking to fall in with the Brigade at any event must have prior approval of the staff. They must also have attended all drills and safety inspections.
8. The Brigade staff shall consist of the elected officers and NCO's. The chaplain and the signal officers shall serve in an advisory capacity.
9. The maximum black powder charge per round of rifle ammunition shall not exceed 70 grains for 58 caliber or 80 grains for 69 caliber.
10. Ramrods may be carried on the field except where prohibited by any specific event. At no time will the ramrod be pulled while in the field.
11. Each infantryman in the field must carry a bayonet, scabbard, and frog. The scabbard must have a metal tip on the end. Cartridge tins are optional; each member must have them available, however, for events requiring them.
12. No paper or wadding of any type will be permitted in the barrel of a rifle while in the field.
13. No minie balls, round balls, nipple picks, or projectiles of any type may be carried in cartridge boxes.
14. No staples, wax, metal fasteners, or tape may be used to fasten cartridges. New members will be instructed by the NCO's as to the proper way of rolling paper cartridges.
15. Soldiers may carry and/or display pistols and knives while in camp; carrying these items while in the field is prohibited. Only officers and senior NCO's (1st sergeants and above) are permitted to carry pistols and swords on the field.
16. To preserve the integrity of the encampment, modern cigarette smoking is prohibited while the public is present.
17. Consuming alcohol is prohibited for at least eight (8) hours prior to an event. As determined by the staff, excessive alcohol consumption and resultant obnoxious behavior will result in the reenactor being asked to leave the event.
18. Using illegal drugs is prohibited at all times. Prescription drugs should, however, be carried in the containers in which they were issued (for proper dosage instructions, etc.). These modern containers should be concealed in haversacks.
19. When engaging a simulated enemy, direct fire (leveling your rifled musket) within 30 yards is prohibited. NCO's shall insure that proper elevation of rifles is adhered to.
20. Any Brigade member acting in an unsafe manner will be reprimanded by the staff. Repeated unsafe conduct may result in expulsion from the event and/or membership termination.
21. Unit commanders are responsible for the conduct of their troops; to insure that the troops are well drilled; and that they are kept informed of Brigade rules, regulations, and other matters.
22. The First Independent Brigade as a unit will not participate in nor will it consider proper the exploitive use of its members for films or videos that are not part of an event without proper compensation. A vote of the membership participating will determine proper compensation.
23. The Brigade commander or someone designated by him will be the moderator of all called meetings.
24. So members will have time to consider any new business or by-law changes at the yearly business meeting, any of the above must be submitted 90 days in advance of the called meeting. Brigade business which does not meet this time constraint but is of critical importance will be considered if agreed to by the membership present.
25. The Brigade adjutant shall act as secretary at all meetings, assist the commander with all correspondence, keep Brigade records, and act as treasurer. Disbursement of Brigade funds requires approval of both the Brigade commander and adjutant.
26. All Brigade officers and NCO's are responsible for the good order and discipline of the troops. Sergeants and corporals are responsible for drills.
27. NCO's will faithfully carry out the orders given to them by their officers.
28. To preserve the integrity of the encampment, modern equipment must be kept from sight at all times while the camp is open to the public.
29. The Brigade medical officer will carry the rank of Major and medical staff will carry appropriate rank as determined by the Brigade staff.
30. Those individuals portraying medical impressions will participate as actors only. No restrictions such as a license or certification shall be placed on these individuals. However, licensed or certified medical individuals are encouraged to participate in medical impressions. (See attached Medical Department statement.)
31. The Brigade signal officer will carry the rank of Captain.
32. The Brigade infantry officer will carry the rank of Captain, and may be brevetted to a higher rank as needed on an event-by-event basis.
33. Removing or impeaching an elected officer or NCO shall be for causes such as: nonperformance of duties, improper performance of duties, not working in the best interests of the Brigade, or acting in a manner bringing the Brigade into disrepute with the public or other segments of the reenacting community. The impeachment procedure shall be as follows:
A. At least five active members of the Brigade must submit a list of written charges and a request for impeachment to the Brigade adjutant.
B. The Brigade commander must call a Brigade meeting to decide on the charges within thirty days of the adjutant's receiving the charges.
C. At the called meeting, one of the signatories of the charges shall have up to twenty minutes to present the case for removal. The person being charged will then have up to twenty minutes to present his case.
D. The active members shall vote on the question, with at least 2/3 voting for removal.
34. Membership applications will be accepted with the provision that the applicant must attend 3 Brigade-sponsored events within a year. New applicants will be assigned a sponsor who will monitor the applicant's progress and assist him in his impression. At the end of one year's time, the applicant will be voted upon by the members of the regiment the applicant chooses or is assigned to.
35. If the First Independent Brigade dissolves, all assets not retained by the individual regiments will be donated to a nonprofit organization designated at that time.
36. No one under the age of eighteen (18) years of age shall be allowed to participate in any function sponsored by the Independent Brigade or any unit thereof unless he/she is accompanied by a parent or legal guardian who shall remain present throughout that function. A legal guardian shall be any adult who has in his/her possession a signed Temporary Custody Agreement, which is available from the Brigade Adjutant upon request.